Dead by the Heat

Another Good Morning to my diary.

It wasn't a very much pleasant morning, because I was rather forced to wake early due to the embracing heat of the morning. Why can't the day be very cold, comfortably cold of course?  Why should the earth continue to heat up every year?  Albeit the cold season would DEFINITELY be colder and the next summer would DEFINITELY be hotter.

As for my morning dreams... I hadn't had any yet, but I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for this. Let's have 1 word: "Tired.". Let's try to add another word: "heat." Does it make sense? No? Then let's put the whole 22-word account: I was dead tired because of the heat and I could barely keep up with everyone since I'm super sensitive to heat. Now, ain't that better?

Things are pretty much lighter than it used to. I finally managed to post 'phase 8' after a long, long time. It's not my fault if I was so damn lazy about it. Anyway, for someone, I decided to continue this. Anyway, I'm continuing this and hopefully I have a pretty good  review about it. See how nice life is, right?

Now let's introduce you to some of my friends in my dreams, well they are... umm... my other selves as I got in touch with them last night.

Nagi's not actually a very nice person, neither is Rain really, but they’re my friends, no matter how odd they are. By odd, I mean Nagi is one of those people who can never make up his mind about anything, then complains about making the wrong decision when everybody tells him it’s the wrong one… He also displays the worst mood swings imaginable. One minute he’s fine, he’s happy, he’s laughing, the next minute he’ll throw things at you and shout about how much he hates you – Really nice guy. And Rain… I don’t think Rain has any emotion. See, if you thought I was a cold hearted bastard, you should meet Rain. He never smiles, I have never seen Rainsmile, not once. I’ve seen him angry, I’ve seen him disruptive and I’ve seen him bored. That’s about it. He’s obviously a real positive guy.

Yup, I've been weird lately... hell I don't care. It's what I am, a weird and mysterious being. Anyway, I have nothing more to say at the moment, just that If you want to accomplish something, you have to have determination.

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