So much had happened during these past few days. No, I think 'a lot' would be an understatement. It's like a very big chapter worth fifty or more pages.
First big event of this week was the first long exam I had in my CMSC 150 (Scientific Computing) class. I studied a few hours before (4, I think) I took the exam... well, I only answered the sample problems. More on that later on.
Next event would be the storm. Yes, a very big one. Like, the storm (and possibly the debris) is literally knocking on the door. My room's floor was wet as hell, it was dark as if light never graced the world, and it was as cold as my soul. That, and it was scary as hell. Damn, it lasted for 3 days.
Next would be the lack of potable and 'bath-worthy' water. I can't fathom going to class without taking a bath... and like this hasn't occured before... It took me desperate (like, REALLY desperate) measures to take a bath. It's a very long story, and one that I'm not willing to share so much.
Last one would be my CMSC 127 (Database) exam, which I took last night. I only studied for like, two hours? I can't really say. I skimmed through the handouts (which I copied from a friend, thank God) like it's worth my life. I'm glad I've survived the whole ordeal.
Well, anyway, since the week isn't over... I'm hoping such plethora of misfortunes would not befall my life. Please, whoever handles my karma or whatnot, leave my life in good hands. Just give me some rest.
Hopefully, I would have my well-deserved rest soon... very soon.
About Me

- Sai Hikawa
- Hi, I'm Sai. Welcome to my blog. This blog contains all codings I've done over the course of my college life. >.< All of them are copyrighted, so please DO NOT OWN!